
in pandaland theyre watching panda porn
parking panda cars in panda bays
in panda parks they smoke panda pipes
and pass the panda goon
pissed pandas on the panda verandah
poking panda puns at pedestrians
in panda parliament the panda members
pitch panda poems, pushing panda stanzas
and the panda population grows unabated
many lazy pandas sit and eat and breed
and pregnant pandas push out perfect pandas
and wait for the sneeze
pandas meander in panda packs on public transport
plucking panda banjos
and the panda population grows unabated
on street corners, the panda standers
stand and wait for panda branded taxis
and the randy, dandy panda lives on panda welfare
theres no grander panda than a pilot panda lander
at the panda bar they drink panda beers under the palms, and eat panda palmas, with chips and coriander
and the panda population grows
the panda party passes unpopular panda laws
prohibiting people punching pandas in public
and the panda party push to outlaw suspicious polar bear picnics
picketing pandas philandering in pockets of the metropolis, its pander slander
its panda propaganda!
and the panda population grows